I am very happy to bring the world famous Robert to Prague (he trains in more than 25 countries). The workshop is in English. I recommend it to coachers, managers or those who want to work on themselves. Places are limited. http://kmacademy.eu/rk-handling-difficult-situations-in-communication/
Moc mě těší, že se mi podařilo přívést do Prahy světobežníka Roberta, (trénuje ve vícero než 25 zemích ) Workshop je v angličtině. Doporučuji pro kouče, lídry, manažery anebo pro ty co chtějí na sobě pracovat. Místa omezená. víc infohttp://kmacademy.eu/rk-handling-difficult-situations-in-communication/
Come and enjoy the international ADVENT workshop in Prague with the effective / emphatic communication ****more infos here**** http://kmacademy.eu/nvc-prague-business-training-introductory/ or do not hesitate to contact me kristina.mackova@kmacademy.eu Your kmACADEMY pictures from www.google.cz
Chemwell Healthcare company based in Jaipur, producing medical products (disposable). The company is owned by Mr. Hanumant Singh a renowned business man in Rajasthan. He has several business like Pharmaceutical, Hotel, Catering, Real estate, Export. In the pharmaceutical and medical fields he has a more then 30 years experiences. Mr. Singh is not only a successful businessman is...