How many sleepless nights and securing their own “power” does a man need to understand that he is not going to get anywhere like that? And that it is not what ideally life should be about…
Few years ago, completely drained and tired out I said to myself “ENOUGH!”. I cannot go on like this anymore, I even don’t WANT to and even if I wanted to my body could not cope anymore. But life it is like that, we more know what we don’t want rather than we know what we do want. So in the state of not knowing what I wanted I took off and went to India for a few months, mainly to get away from western civilization.
Those were meaningful months in which I cried throughout but it had helped me at least partially to forgive myself as well as others. I was really looking forward to return back to reality. But my past motivation to be someone, to be successful, to be sought after etc was not inside me anymore, more so it repulsed me. Now I know that it is not right to think that something is better than something else but to accept my past with all the mistakes I made as a lesson in my personal evolution and in time perhaps to view these with gratitude.
I am still on the journey of my personal evolution but with the difference that this time I enjoy and look forward to anything what life throws at me. Even though I have to admit that some things I’d rather avoid.
And would I do in in my life until now something differently? I wish that back then I had known the techniques which would help with my evolution.
These days there are numerous techniques which help us to lead better lives (I perceive it that way). In my existing experience I know how important is communication and how many unnecessary expenses, wounded relationships are result of incorrect communication. And therefore I would like to recommend a workshop about communication.
So, if you also feel that you don’t know how to get on with your life, if you are stuck in a rut or if you simply want to broaden your horizons, I have something especially for you. Talk to your company about your personal development and undergo a course of empathic, effective and non-violent communication. You will find that it will not help only you but to your company too.
And what is this non-violent workshop about? You will learn to listen and to understand your feelings and to utilise them in everyday situations. You will better understand what “THE LIFE INSIDE YOU” and inside your other party truly wants.
book***here the next workshop in Nonviolent communication in Prague:
PS: If you have a more question to the workshop please do not hesitate to contact me on (Our website is only in Czech now, but we work on it in english, we apologize for this inconveniences)