
About the author

MY SPRING CLEANING INSIDE ME (gallbladder) deutsch s.u / česky víz dolu

With the arrival of spring, we usually clean our gardens. For me, as a proper therapist of the RUŠ Method, it is within me. Specifically, gallstones, which were discovered by accident during physiotherapy, which I underwent after my accident last summer. That surprised me quite a bit. I am a vegetarian, don’t drink any alcohol, exercise regularly, and if something...

A thought for the Easter

český viz níže / deutsch s.u. The “law of cause and effect” does not matter what the times are, as soon as you set a cause, life produces the corresponding effect. Life is just waiting for your “instructions” Kurt Tepperwein, German therapist, healer and life advisor, 88 years old, originally from Bohemia. I wish you a happy...

I’m a EUROPEAN with heart and soul due of the beautifully different people who live HERE 🙂

deutsch s.u. / česky / slovensky viz dolu People often ask me what my nationality is. Slovak? -NO- I was born there, but I’ m not a Slovak. Czech? -NO-, I always make grammar mistakes and the Czechs are pretty angry with me for that. Are you German? -NO-, I like the Germans and I am very grateful to them...

Yesterday was really a strange nostalgic day for me.

česky viz níže / deutsch s.u. Yesterday was really a strange nostalgic day for me. I got “randomly” photos my friend took in our time 11 years ago. Look at one of them attached. If I had known then that it was our last days. I would have enjoyed it a lot more. From the breakup – although my...

A balm for my soul by Ex :)

deutsch s.u / český níže Today I received an answer from my Ex-boyfriend to my technical question, where I needed a specialist opinion. The report was accompanied by a photo – Kristína alias Slovakian Jánošík (explanation below) 11 years ago 🙂 Due to my ongoing almost 5 months “challenge” it really was a balm for my body and soul. It’s...

Nothing is impossible / Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

An interesting story by the German writer and film director Clemens Cuby and his self-healing of an untreatable spinal injury by treating his inner blockages in the cause.  Are you or your loved ones burdened with any problem and you cannot cope with it yourself? I’ll help you with that. Give yourself balm for yourself....

New Workshop in KMACADEMY Programme – E-Mobility

With the development of battery systems technology, classic internal combustion engines are being massively replaced with electric propulsion. The phenomenon can be observed in the automotive industry and in other areas of life. There is an unprecedented change in business patterns across entire sectors affected by e-mobility. More information under the offered workshop in English...


Česká verze níže. Recently, I had a meeting with a managing partner of an IT company. We talked about how he missed someone who had listened to him. I rememČbered my beginnings as a novice in the automotive industry. I had a meeting with the quality manager of a large international company. At that time, I only knew very vaguely about production processes. In...

Effektives Zuhören

Kürzlich hatte ich ein Treffen mit einem geschäftsführenden Gesellschafter eines IT-Unternehmens. Wir sprachen darüber, wie er jemanden vermisste, der ihm zugehört hätte. Ich erinnerte mich an meine Anfänge als Neuling in der Automobilindustrie. Ich hatte ein Treffen mit den Qualitätsmanager eines großen internationalen Unternehmen. Zu dieser Zeit wusste ich über Produktionsprozesse nur sehr schwammig. In...

Mail from US

deutsch / český below US Mail. Preparing cooperation with an American trainer for European workshops can start 🙂 Post aus US.  Die Vorbereitung für die Zusammenarbeit mit einem amerikanischen Trainer für europäische Workshops kann beginnen 🙂 Pošta z USA. Příprava spolupráce s americkým trenérem pro evropské workshopy může začít:)